Social Media Marketing Plan With Facebook
Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2012
If you’re thinking to start your social media marketing, then Facebook may be the best choice. Why Facebook? Of course, we can’t deny that it is still the most popular social networking sites in these recent years. The numbers of users also continue to increasing. A study proves that one in three internet users will always accessing Facebook every time they’re online. Facebook is like a big sea full of fish, therefore this is the best place for you to throw your nets; or in this case, it is the best place for you to start your social media marketing.
Facebook social media marketing plan
Facebook has all the best online marketing features. Utilize all of that features in order to be success with your social media marketing plan.
1. Create a fan page
The root of your entire Facebook marketing plan goes here. You will need a personal profile in order to create your business fan page. Don’t worry, you can always switch between your personal profile and your business fan page. Encourage customers or targeted customers to become fans of your pages, and then start to use your fan page to share information via status updates or wall posts about your business. Make use of multi-media features such as photos and videos to create more interactive communication with your customer.
2. Create a discussion group
Groups is a better place for the customers to form a community and have more active discussion about your business. It also enables you to send message directly to all of their inbox once they’ve become the member. This way will result in stronger brand awareness.
3. Create a contest and poll
Make a contest for the customers that utilize Facebook features such as “Upload your photo while using our product to win a special prize”, etc. Just be creative and make sure you include a poll to let the customers choose the winner itself.
4. Give a reward for the loyal customer
This will encourage the customer to always support your business. A happy customer on Facebook will help in promoting your business to their friends.
Benefits of social media marketing with Facebook
Facebook has the biggest number of users. It offers many benefits to your business, since most of all their marketing features are free. There are also other effective marketing features in Facebook such as Facebook ads that it’s totally worth to try if you have more budgets to spend. Be creative, unique and consistent. That way sure will attract the people on Facebook attention and brings success to your social media marketing.

Category Article facebook, online marketing, socmed
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3 Responses to “Learn All About Marketing”
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Nice post shared with all, in which we can find about Facebook Social Media Marketing and it's benefits.Thanks for sharing such informational blog.
Social media marketing is really tough, there is need to have lot of patience to start getting result from your work. Case study that you are showing really inspire me and i will continue my work.
Social Media Expert
This social media marketing plan is really awesome. Thanks for sharing this useful post. For marketing on social media a good Social media agency can help you with their experience.